In this episode we are joined with Tori Mellott, Senior Design and Markets Editor for Traditional Home Magazine. We talk trends with Tori from her recent trip at High Point Market, her background and where her love of design emerged from, some fun behind the scenes stories from her career in magazines, the roles and responsibilities of a Markets Editor and why we all feel that it’s impossible to have too many chairs.

Former New York apartment of Traditional Home editor Tori Mellott, featured in Domino magazine
What You’ll Hear on This Episode:
- How Tori has had the energy and stamina to move (and decorate) 26 times.
- A trends recap from Tori’s recent High Point Market Trip from all of the latest in designers and furniture manufacturers. Tori mentions the resurgence of canopy beds, traditional stylings, groovy 1970’s lighting, millennial pink, delicate silhouettes, and things just being pretty.
- Tori’s love for auction shopping, specifically for occasional chairs for both herself and her loved ones.
- Tori’s travel tips for roaming unencumbered.
- The growing trend of bright yellow in home decor, and Tori’s closet.
- The responsibilities and duties of a Markets Editor.
- When Tori sees something that she wants, she waits on it. If she is still wanting it after one year, she knows it’s the real deal.
- Why it’s important to know your audience when pitching a magazine editor.
- Tori’s very own real life personal version of The Devil Wears Prada during an internship at NYU, and how it led to an internship at HomeStyle Magazine.
- Caroline’s amazing memory when it comes to designer and pictorials.
- Her personal side project of helping her sister decorate.
- How to know when to splurge, and when to save, on interior design.
Decorating Dilemmas
I just started listening to your podcast and I love it! I am binging but am only on Ep. 6. Have learned so much already.
In one episode you guys said seagrass rugs were indestructible. Need that (because of our little 8 pound Yorkie, Mocha). Which rugs specifically does Ballard carry that you would put in this indestructible category? Is sisal the same thing as seagrass?
Also, we are building a new house and I’ve attached a pic of the floors we are putting down (the two panels on the right). Would seagrass be too much of the same color?
Thank you!
Sisal is not the same as seagrass, and will stain with water, so not very Yorkie friendly. Tori likes a monochromatic similar tone rug, so you will be good to go with the rug over your new floors. We suggest the St. Tropez rug from Ballard (of course) to go in your home and fit in with your lifestyle! Thank you!
I have no idea how to style this console. Move the photos? What goes on top? How do
I camouflage the air vent right and thermometer behind it without covering it up? Help!
First, we recommend painting the air return and thermostat the same color as your wall. Second, you may have to part with a few of the accessories, and only have one or two as big as a cantaloupe. Tori recommends moving the garden stool out of the way, pushing the console in between the air vent and the doorframe. Let it live on it’s own, and don’t try to hide it. Add a lamp on the left side, and put three design books on the tray with one accessory on the books. You also may want to lean a mirror over the air return and thermostat.
Show Notes
- Traditional Home Magazine
- Domino Magazine
- Tori’s Living Room Photo
- House Beautiful
- High Point Market
- Tori Mellott Instagram
- HomeStyle Magazine
- Southern Living
- Dayna Chair
Please send in your questions so we can answer them on our next episode! And of course, subscribe to the podcast in iTunes so you never miss an episode. You can always check back here to see new episodes, but if you subscribe, it’ll automatically download to your phone.
Happy Decorating!
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Frances Goldston
Interesting that your photo shows a twin bed as I, too, am thinking of downsizing from a queen size to a twin for my BR makeover. I need to make better use of my small space & feel this is the best place to start. Any trends you can share?